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Top DIY Projects to Complete this Summer!

Home Project / Home Painting

Summer is the perfect time to complete many of the home improvement projects that you’ve been eager to get finished all winter.  In fact, more than 60% of homeowners plan summer projects each year!

Whether you’ve got a few things on your list or it’s a mile long, you want to make sure you’re maximizing the sunshine and warm weather.  Here are some of the top DIY projects you can complete this summer without needing a professional!

Pressure wash outdoor areas

Fall and winter can leave a lot of dirt and grime behind, and the exterior of your home is no exception.  Siding, decks, patios, and pool areas can all accumulate leaves and dirt that you’ll want to wash away.  What you’ll be left with after a good power washing is a clean area ready for summer cook outs, family gatherings, and pool parties!

Average project length: 2 to 4 hours

Seal / Refinish your deck

Did you know that stained decks and porches need to be resealed or refinished each year?  Since winters can be so harsh on these stained wood surfaces, the stain can fade, and the protection it provides to the wood underneath could reduce significantly.  For this reason, it is recommended to reseal or refinish stained decks and porches each year.

Average project length: 1 to 2 days (stay off your deck for an additional 2 days to allow it to dry fully)

Build a shed or reorganize your garage

All of these home projects are going to be a lot easier to complete if you know where everything is.  This is why having an organized area to store all of your supplies and tools (either in a dedicated space in the garage or in a tool shed) is such a popular home improvement project.  Just imagine how much more convenient it will be to know where everything is when you need it.

Average project length: 1 to 2 days

Declutter your home

You may feel like you have too much stuff, and you’re not alone!  Most homeowners feel like they have more than they need, and are eager to declutter and organize their living spaces.  The good news is that there are a ton of options for decluttering and organizing your home, from yard sales and donation centers that will find a new home for your things, to recycling programs and organized storage.  So, we recommend starting by going through your space to decide what you need vs what can go, and then you can work on organizing what’s left into a space that is comfortable and functional.

Average project length: 1 to 2 days

Paint a room (or two, or three)

Whether you caught the kids writing on the walls, or you just want a change, painting is the number one home improvement project among homeowners!  And with good reason, it’s generally a fairly easy DIY project that has a huge impact.  A couple of gallons of paint, some paint rollers, and a pair of old clothes later, and you have a new room that you might not even recognize!  Most homeowners asked don’t plan on stopping with one room either, and we don’t blame them.

Average project length: 1 to 2 days

Clean gutters

If you have trees anywhere near your home, it’s a safe bet that you have leaves in your gutters.  What makes this a problem however is that leaves will block your gutters and downspouts, preventing them from working properly, and potentially create expensive moisture issues inside your home.  Water that isn’t able to be diverted through your gutter system is more likely to back up under your roof shingles, run along exterior walls, fascia, or come in through your foundation.  Cleaning your gutters is a project that is well worth the time required and could save you a lot of money in the future.  Please note that high, or hard to access, gutters should be cleaned by a professional to avoid falls or injury.

Average project length: 1 to 2 days

Spruce up landscaping or plant a garden

Do you have a green thumb?  Well, here’s your chance to show it off to the neighborhood!  Whether you like planting flowers and ornamentals, or vegetable gardens are more your thing, summer is your chance to show off.  This is even a great time to complete those pathways and patios that you’ve always dreamed of.  And what better excuse to spend some time outdoors?

Average project length: 2 to 4 days

Replace AC and furnace filters

Did you know that you’re supposed to replace your furnace and AC filters?  Don’t feel bad if you didn’t, many homeowners don’t.  While this is a common DIY project for the summer (among homeowners that realize they need to do this), it only takes a few minutes to complete.  You check your AC system or furnace to see what type of filter it’s currently using, purchase a replacement and swap them.  It couldn’t be easier!  Just keep in mind that filters have ratings and sizes, so you’ll want to get a replacement that matches both.

Average project length: 15 to 30 minutes

We hope everyone has a wonderful summer, and a great time completing all of those home projects you’ve been eager to get started.  While it’s always rewarding to complete a DIY project, if a project is ever too much for you to tackle on your own, be sure to bring in professionals that will be able to assist.

If we can ever help with anything, please don’t hesitate to Contact Your Local Disaster Blaster! We’re always here to help!

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